Sunday, July 21, 2013

An Appetizer from Argentina

Argentine cooks are well known for their skill and dedication to cooking on the grill. "Asados" or Argentine bar-b-ques are family celebrations and a national obsession. On every block in every neighborhood a restaurant dedicated to simply prepared, fantastically delicious grilled meats beacons to passer-bys and neighbors debate the quality meats at favorite haunts.
The menu at each "parilla" is pretty standard: grilled organ meats and blood sausages, several cuts of beef the country is deservedly famous for, and an unexpected -- at least to me, appetizer -- provoletta, a thick slab of grilled provolone cheese quickly marinated in olive oil, oregano and a hint of chili flakes. Delicious cripsy, gooey cheese eaten shamelessly with knife and fork.
When I first tasted this delicious dish I immediately wanted to make it for James. I've tried a wheel here and again when we've had guests, but tonight an aged wheel of provolone called from the fridge. I made James an Argentine appetizer plate for dinner -- grilled sausage and cheese.
He called it a "heartstopper."

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