Sunday, April 27, 2014

Bacon and Eggs For Dinner

Yesterday I toddled over to the farmer's market. Putting away the beautiful fresh produce seems to shine a spotlight on purchases left over from the week before. Asparagus had to be used, one lone leek rattled around the vegetable bin. Still tasty but maybe not starring role pretty, I thought soup -- puréed into a silky, creamy soup.
I started 1 leek, 2 cloves of garlic and 1 large shallot (all chopped) in a pan with melted butter. Before they colored I added in 2 bunches of chopped asparagus (reserving a few of the prettier tips for garnish), and a couple stalks of celery. Next went in 6 cups of chicken stock a little S&P and the soup simmered for 20 minutes. Everything puréed in the blender and went back into the now cleaned pot. Just before dinner I added in the last bit of cream from a bottle set to expire and warmed the soup through (and tasted for seasoning). To serve, though it's hard to see in these deep bowls, I topped the soup with a poached egg and a few blanched asparagus tips. So much for the eggs.
Little gem lettuce are a sweet miniature romaine variety. I've tried to grow them with not much success so when I see them at the farmer's market I try to grab at least a dinner's worth. Tonight these sweet little head lettuces starred in our crunchy dinner salad topped with crisp bacon, salty Bay Blue cheese by Pt Reyes Farmstead cheese and honey vinaigrette.
Bacon and eggs in an unexpected way.

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