Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Tapas On Madrid's Cava Baja

The woman at the hotel's front desk so enthusiastically circled Cava Baja on the makeshift map in my hand that despite my advancing jet lag I went off on a cold Madrid day to find lunch.
I wandered down the little street jammed with restaurant and tapas options wondering how I was to choose one or the other and then was drawn in by the green door and cluttered charm of La Perejila.
I quickly perused the menu -- tripe, partridge, blood sausage -- I was pretty enthusiastic.

Perejila, my friend Rocio tells me means "little parsley". My dictionary (it's not even the page that the dogs ate)and google translate both failed me and I had to reach out for help. I assumed it had something to do with a dancer's embellishment, not the food's as the decor and the distinctly vintage sound track bespoke a flamenco themed bar. Leave it to me to find Andalusia in Madrid.
I ordered what was described as beans and red partridge. The meat itself was slightly gamey but it perfumed the creamy, buttery beans (those beans are $25 a pound in the states Rocio lamented) and delicate sauce making a perfect humble stew for a cold afternoon, along with the olives, chorizo, and chewy bread offered up by the friendly staff.
A parting look and back on the street keeping an eye open for the next spot to draw me in.

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