Another of the meat mysteries from the Hearst Ranch shipment was a small cross rib steak. I've seen cross rib roast -- although not often, so I assumed this was a "steak" cut from the larger roast, a bargain cut from between the shoulder and the rib. It was bound to be a bit tough and probably better suited to pot roast than a turn on the grill. So I dusted off an old recipe for smothered pork chops and set out to make steak and gravy for James' dinner.
First I browned the dredged, seasoned meat in a pan slicked with olive oil. I put the meat aside and added into two chopped strips of bacon, two thinly sliced onions, and two smashed garlic cloves. When the onions were soft I added in one cup of wine and one of chicken broth (after the steak was cooked I did reduce the gravy down a bit -- seemed just a little too thin for noodles), nestled the steak in the pan, and left the covered skillet to simmer over very low heat for about 75 minutes.
The result was a thick oniony gravy and tender steak. Perfect for a not quite winter's night.
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