Monday, January 18, 2010

2 Hour (And Counting) Apple Cake

A pile of apples on the counter, flour in the cupboard and a quick internet search led me to Smitten Kitchen's apple cake. The recipe couldn't be simpler. Chopped apples mixed with cinnamon and sugar are layered into a tube pan alternating with a basic coffeecake style batter of flour, salt, sugar. oil, eggs, baking powder, vanilla, and a bit of orange juice. I added raisins into the apples (James loves raisins) and added the "optional" chopped walnuts into the thick batter.
Only one thing -- I'm not sure what was different about my cake and the Smitten Kitchen cake but instead of the recipe's hour and a half baking time . . . our dinner treat took about two and half hours until a tester came out clean. Long time to wait for a fairly simple cake? Yes. Too long? No. James said it was one of my best cakes ever. Thanks SK!

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