Friday, January 15, 2010

Sweet and Sour Ribs

I'm not sure what could be easier than this recipe. Equal parts ketchup, cider vinegar and brown sugar mixed together with dry mustard (1 TB for a 1/2 cup ketchup), a pinch of cayenne (or to taste) and S&P. Mix the sauce together in the crock pot layer the ribs, meat side down, in the sauce and cook on low for 10 hours until the meat is moist, tender, and falling of the bones.
If I'd had country style ribs (as the Everyday Food recipe suggested) I think they'd have been even better, but in any case this is one of "Martha's" and the slow cooker's better recipes. Leftovers will make nice BBQ sandwiches one day down the road.
Pressed for time I "baked" a few sweet potatoes in the microwave (yes, I admit it -- I have one) and did a quick sauté of collard greens -- Brazilian style -- with chopped onions, and garlic in a bit of olive oil cooked over high heat until just tinged with a bit of brown.
A little sweet a little bitter, A Southern style dinner prepared in minutes.

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