Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Veggie Tacos

I was checking out at Trader Joe's the other day when the cashier started to rave about their new corn tortillas. "They taste like the lady handed them to you right off the griddle," she declared. She was so effusive I dashed back to get a package and then came home to dream up a use for them. James prefers flour tortillas, but I like corn better so I needed a dinner I could easily dish up two ways. Tacos, it was time for tacos.
We've been eating a lot of meat lately -- pork and ham and sausage. So I thought a lighter, vegetarian dinner might be just the thing. I sautéed red onion in olive oil and then added in chopped garlic and sliced mushrooms. After those cooked down a bit I added in a handful of chopped grape tomatoes and several diced zucchini along with a good dose of oregano and marjoram. I covered the skillet and let the vegetables cook together for about 10 minutes until the zucchini was tender and then added in chopped cilantro and a can of drained pinto beans and seasoned again with salt and pepper. After the mixture cooked for about 3 more minutes I scooped it into warm tortillas and topped them with fresh guacamole (very simple just avocado, lime juice, salt and pepper) and feta cheese.
Light, delicious, and if you ask me . . . better with corn.
I'll be buying these tortillas again.

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